How to Prevent Baldness In Men

As men grow older, time seems to play some mean tricks on them. One of the most common effects of aging is that of baldness. This is never a fun thing to go through and can cause a man to be self conscious and less confident in himself. The truth is that there are many men that suffer from this age old pattern of patches, receding hairlines and widow's peaks.

Bhringaraj - The Popular Herbal Cure For Baldness

In tropical areas and wet temperate climates around the world grows a plant with daisy-like, white, delicate flowers called the eclipta alba. This is an herb that was important in ayurvedic medicine, an ancient practice. It is commonly known as the bhringaraj, or bhringraj. Many women and men are interested in this herb to keep their hair healthy with natural nutrients for the scalp, and as an herbal cure for baldness.

Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes

Hair loss in women differs from hair loss in men in the following ways:
Signs of hair loss in men:
  • Receding hairline
  • Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head

3 Major Reasons Of Hair Loss

When we talk about various reasons of hair loss and factors that lead to this common health related problem, we have lots of factors, reasons and causes that it gets hard for physicians and experts to deal with hair loss promptly. If patients know the most common reasons of hair loss, they can actually save themselves from complicated situations. Since it is not possible for general public to have in-depth knowledge about all the causes and reasons, but they must know a few major and most common ones.
So here are the 3 most common and major reasons of hair loss and baldness that you must keep in your mind to fix things before time.